Tournament Discs

Here you will find a large selection of fundraiser discs and equipment from some of the biggest international disc golf tournaments. When you buy one of these discs, you get a limited edition disc and at the same time help support the tournaments around the world.

Limited edition tournament discs

Many of the biggest disc golf tournaments in the world release a series of limited edition discs and equipment each year to raise money for the tournament. The equipment is made in collaboration with the tournament's main sponsor, which is often one of the major manufacturers. Here you have the opportunity to get your hands on very special discs that come with special stamps and often in an extra cool plastic.

The coolest releases of disc golf discs

When it is time for release on tournament discs, it is often some of the biggest releases during the year. Regardless of whether it is 1, 5 or many discs that are released at the same time, tournament discs and tour series are always popular among both players and collectors.

Support the big tournaments

Tournament discs are always limited edition and are only released once before a tournament. When you buy a tournament disc, part of the money goes to the tournament, and you are thus helping to support the tournament. Without this support, it would not be possible to create the framework for the best players in disc golf to showcase the sport and compete at the highest level.

Professional disc golf tournaments

The world's largest disc golf tournaments attract professional disc golfers from all over the world. Both in the USA and Europe, a number of tournaments are held each year for which are divided into different levels. The biggest and most prestigious tournaments are the PDGA Major tournaments and the Disc Golf Pro Tour events, which are also called the Elite series. Players who win a PDGA Major belong to a small group of the best players of all time.